Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wednesday and up late

I had a hard getting out of bed this morning. I got to bed late last night and I guess I need my minimum of seven hours of sleep. I am what you would call getting older. Need more rest, I guess. The first alarm went off at 5:00 am and the next thing I know the second alarm is going off at 6:00a am. Talk about scrambling. Still I managed the following:

  1. Blood Glucose: 143 mg/dl. Must have been too much pasta last night. It was whole wheat.
  2. Weight: 214 lbs. Stuck
  3. Exercise: 38:37 on the trainer. Close enough to 40:00 min. Just ran out of time.
  4. Mood. Frazzled. Fast shower, fast, but good, shave and out the door.
Well, to honest it's more than just a sleep issue. The economy is dragging us both down. Sometimes it just seems best to pull the covers over my head and go back to sleep. Bed is safe, warm and comfortable, right? Nothing bad can happen when you are cozy in bed.

I wish. Must be better tomorrow.

Food was getting to be the usual. Working on getting the portion size right.
  1. Breakfast was oatmeal with craisins and a banana.
  2. Lunch was two tuna sandwiches. Two because Mary bought some small rolls to be used as a sandwich roll. Also grapes
  3. Snack was three small servings of Lays Baked potato chips. I was eating these at lunch time to curb a gnawing craving for some food while I finished some proposals.
  4. Dinner was carrots, pasta (whole wheat again) and a McDougall style bean sauce poured over the vegetables and pasta. Half the plate was veggies and quarter was pasta, sauce poured everywhere. The sauce was good, mostly.
I say mostly because I sort of burned the beans. The dish is a simple to make. It's just split peas, lime beans and great northern beans, water and some seasoning. Let it cook eight to ten hours, done. Simple. Pour over stuff and enjoy. Nine hours after I started it, the water had all been absorbed or evaporated and the beans were burning around the bottom of the pot. It left a bitter taste that I sort of doctored with some balsamic vinegar. Helped, but not enough. I want to make right the next time so I have to remember to add more water.

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