Thursday, June 3, 2010

Turning My Body into a Fat Burning Machine

Last week I heard an interview on a local radio station of a gentleman who is a local fitness, nutrition guru type of guy.  I don't remember his name.  He said when working out that it's best to eat nothing.  Eating something interferes with the body using it's fat to fuel the workout.  He said he sees people working out at a gym to lose weight, yet the power bar they are munching is preventing the body from drawing on its own caloric reserves.  It doesn't really hurt, but it doesn't help, either. Okay, that kinda makes sense.

He also said exercising in the morning is best.  The aerobic fat burning effect carries through for the whole day.  That also makes some sense and I have heard or read that before.  I ride first thing in the morning both for that reason and it gets the exercise bit out of the way for the rest of the day.  One less thing to worry about all day. 

Just before I start my ride, I had been eating a piece of fruit, usually a banana, for a bit of energy.  I once heard Arnold Schwarzenegger recommend this for a bit of energy before a work out.  That makes sense and Arnold was still popular then.  The carbs from the fruit gave the energy to go the distance on my bike.  Now, that local guru has replaced Arnold's advice and I see that piece fruit sabotaging my weight loss efforts.

Has it made a difference?  Not that I have noticed.  I had images of this furnace being stoked and my weight falling dramatically from this one little change.  I hoped I could see the scale going down every day.  Instead it's still going down in its usual plodding way.  This morning I was 193 1/2.  Yes, it's down a bit from last week,  but I want that fat burning, fat melting, supercharged fat fire burning up the avoirdupois machine kind of thing.  I am still getting the slow but steady plodding along kind of thing.  I am plow horse and I want to be the exotic fueled dragster.

Oh, well.

The numbers:
  1. Blood Glucose:  106 mg/dl.  Maybe this is where the fat burning machine starts.  Whatever, good number.  Gotta work to keep it at this level.  I think my insulin sensitivity is coming around.  I a guy who is not afraid to be sensitive.
  2. Weight:  193 1/2.  To stay positive, I believe I will be dipping below 190 in this month and I will be bidding adieu to that number for the rest of my life.  That's exciting, isn't it?
  3. Exercise:  45 + minutes on the trainer. 
  4. Mood:  Pleased and hopeful.  Gotta stay positive. 
  1. Breakfast:  The usual.  Banana for the potassium, oatmeal infused with blueberry/herbal tea and an orange. 
  2. Lunch:  Beans and Pasta with some veggies.
  3. Dinner, not sure. Tonight is usually pizza night, but I  have not made any dough. It's also the night I cut the grass and vacuum the back, but it may be raining.  I will have to see how things work out.
  4. Snacks.  Soy yogurt.  I like this stuff and it's supposed to be good for the heart. 

Update:  This was reported in USA Today.  According a study by the University of Birmingham in England, not eating will force the body to draw on fat to fuel the workout.  Eating something before exercising prevents that from happening.   Your body draws on the fuel you've just given it.  I guess when I hit the ideal weight and body mass, eating is OK.  Until then, don't eat.

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