Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday Splurge Day -- Highest Highs to the Lowest Lows.

Finally, Friday.  Yesterday was great.  BG was 106mg/dl.  Beautiful.

I had a good day on the food consumption, no extremes and only one late-in-the-evening slice of pizza for dinner after cutting the grass and cleaning up the back to make everything all nice and neat for the weekend.

I expected the meter to read nice and low.  So what did I get?  141mg/dl.  Mary was still sleeping and it was just after 5:00am when I took my morning reading, so I merely thought where in Hades did that number come from?  I was such a good boy.   Was it from the pizza, singular slice?  The work I did cutting the grass and cleaning the back and street?  That will make demands on the muscles and it will release glucose.  Was it just bum reading, yesterday or today?  No clue.

Frustrating though. I saw that number and peddled to within an inch of life this morning.  Still this is Splurge Friday, my day to lighten up a bit, and by gosh I am going to splurge, if sensibly.

The numbers for today:
  1. Blood Glucose:  141 mg/dl. Aaargh. 
  2. Weight:  190 lbs.  The good with the bad, and not just 190, but ever so slightly to the left of the 190 reading.  That's the good side, the left side. 
  3. Exercise:  45 minutes on the trainer.
  4. Mood:  6.  Again, aaargh. I thought that kind of BG number was well in he past. 
  1. Breakfast:  banana oatmeal, an orange and coffee
  2. Lunch:  Grilled Portobella Mushroom sandwich at the Mason Jar with the Big Dogs.  It does have jack cheese and a goodly smear of their articoke dip.  Probably not low fat, but very good.  I did have the steamed asparagus, so I do feel somewhat virtuous. 
  3. Dinner:  Tony's night, so that means two margaritas, frozen, a few chips, fried, and probably the fish, grilled with rice and steamed vegetables.  Some splurge, but I am in diet discipline groove.  
  4. Snacks:  Cherries. Have to eat them now.

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