Monday, June 14, 2010

This and Data

Busy weekend and I think I did okay save a few too many carbs.  i continue to get compliments on the weight loss and how much thinner I look.  That pumps me up. 

Saturday I worked around the house:  cleaned the fountain, fertilized the grass with the Jerry Baker All Season Green-Up Tonic, cleaned out the fountain (nasty after about three month since I last cleaned it and I should do it every six weeks, max) and shredded a lot of leaves in the leaf shredder for mulch and spread it around the flower beds.  In the 90 degree heat, that was work.  Breakfast was two two slices of cold pizza, lunch some hummus, pita bread and cucumbers, dinner was grilled salmon and steamed squash with onions and garlic and what Mary calls hunchback potatoes:  red potatoes, part way sliced and in the slices in the potatoes put a couple of slices of garlic, salt, pepper and olive oil and bake.  Very good.

My big reward for my hard work was a couple of martinis.  As Dr. Mouton said, "Martinis are a like lot breasts.  One is not enough and three is too many.  Wise man, Dr. Mouton.

Sunday really was a down day, a lot of relaxing and bit of shopping.  One martini, but that was enough.  Breakfast was some fruit, lunch was a chicken salad sandwich with fruit and dinner was a hamburger and grilled corn on the cob. 

For today, the numbers are:
  1. Blood Glucose:  127 mg/dl.  This now seems to be a typical Monday reading.  Not where I want it, but still considered good.
  2. Weight:  191.  Down a pound.  Good.
  3. Exercise:  40 minutes on trainer. Really sweated this morning.  Always feels righteous.
  4. Mood:  7.  Physically, I feel good, but worried about business.  There is none
  1. Breakfast:  Banana, strawberries, one slice of Star's spinach, garlic pizza (also known as Joe's Pizza).  Not ideal, maybe, but good 
  2. Lunch:  Hummus, pita bread, cucumber, carrots and cherries. 
  3. Dinner:  Chicken salad.
  4. Snacks:  A handful of crackers from Whole Foods and a some plain soy yogurt with Kashi Oatmeal clusters.   Very tasty, the last one.  
There are several infomercials touting the benefits of "muscle confusion," the science, it is claimed, of building muscle quickly and losing weight fast.  The idea is to vary the type and intensity of  a series of exercises.  So does it work?  Fad or truth?  Find out here in the first installment:  Muscle Confusion Explained.  I have feeling getting those ripped abs is not as easy or quick as believed, as is scorching your fat.  Ripped abs and scorched fat.  It all sounds kind of painful.  

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