Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Good to honor our fallen heroes, but the celebrations can be hard on the diet. 

On Saturday Mary and I headed to Galveston for a relaxing little soiree one of Mary's customers hosted.  It was not my dream menu because it had all the stuff I like and should be avoiding.  I did have two beers, and not lite beers either, artichoke dip and hummus on some sort of crackers that tasted great and were probably high in bad stuff, a large dollop of forbidden rice salad (oh that was good), two, count 'em two, chicken tenders from the thigh (where the flavor lives), a chocolate cookie, one of my wife's fabulous lemon squares and a small hand full of these chocolate covered nuts.  I did try to pick out the ones covered in dark chocolate, for whatever good that did.

I was afraid the next morning what my blood glucose would be.  I imagined something in the 140-150 mg/dl range.  Surprise it was 125 mg/dl.  Not bad. 

Yesterday, Sunday, we did a lot of work in the garden and I had lot of carbohydrate foods, beans, pasta, oatmeal, banana, peach, strawberries, a nice burger (90/10 fat ration) on a whole wheat bun and probably a few other things I should have avoided that I don't remember.  We would up eating late and we had couple of frozen margaritas just to add to the mix of things I like and should eat little if at all.

The numbers this morning:
  1. Blood Glucose:  112 mg/dl.  Man, that was surprise. 
  2. Weight 194 1/2.  Stuck, but I will take it. Could be worse. 
  3. Exercise:  45 minutes on trainer. Would have gone out for a ride, but the garage door is broken and this was just the easier thing to do. 
  4. Mood.  Happy. 
Maybe I have turned a corner here.  Things that have raised by BG in the past seem to have less affect now.  Now I could just have a major weight drop.

Article I saw on line today:  Does low muscle mass cause type 2 diabetes?  The accompanying question is does resistance training help improve, reverse or prevent type 2 diabetes.  Got another strong argument for finding the time to start using the resistance bands I bought to work on the arms.  The other argument come from my wife who wants me to work on the arms.  Like I married the work out queen or something.

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