Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Victory and Triumph

Well, not yet anyway.  I have 45 pounds, more or less, to go and I still have what Mary calls my poochy belly.  It's not flat; it's still round, but smaller and less round than it was.

I am feeling thinner.  By that I mean I can feel bones I haven't felt in a long time.  My shoulders are more prominent.  My clavicle is somewhat more noticeable. The layer of fat that used to cushion them is slowing going away.  My butt is slimmer, according to Mary.   Shoes that I thought were fine are feeling a bit loose. (Fat feet?  Who knew?) My wedding ring is sliding on and off a bit easier now, no more tugging.  Shirts I haven't been able to wear for a long time fit quite nicely now. Same for some old shorts I haven't worn in years because the were too small.

Hey, I'm starting to look good!  That's a great feeling. 

I still see my belly, shrinking though it is. It still extends too far out from my breasts (our new rule is that bellies are not allowed to stick out beyond our breasts; both of us have a way to go there).  I still don't absorb the glucose as efficiently as I should, but I am doing better on that score.  I had a piece of carrot cake, not a big one, and I don't think it registered as a blip at all. 

Message to me:  Feel good and encouraged by what I have accomplished.  Understand and accept what need to be done. 

The numbers:
  1. Blood Glucose:  132 mg/dl.  Must have been the carrot cake, small piece and the corn on the cob.  
  2. Weight:  194 1/2.  Definitely below 195 and above 194.  
  3. Exercise:  45 min + on trainer.  
  4. Mood:  Positive, but with the knowledge that more needs to be done.
  1. Breakfast:  Banana, grapefruit, oatmeal infused with blackberry herbal tea and craisins. 
  2. Lunch:  Leftover hamburger from yesterday's grill fest and an orange
  3. Dinner:  Leftover Turkey Rustica from last week and a salad
  4. Snacks:  Soy yogurt.

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