Friday, December 10, 2010

There is always some SOB who has it worse than you.

Sometimes, things really aren't that bad.  They just seem that way.

I am the first to admit I can get a bit depressed on this lose weight, get healthy program.  I have been more or less at the same weight for several months now.  Why that is I am not sure.  I don't think I am eating more than I was, nor has what I have eaten changed.  To me it all seems pretty much the same.  Yet losing weight is just simple physics.  If you use more calories than you consume, you lose weight.  Very simple.  So something has changed.

My blood glucose has continued to trend lower and that is good.  That is mostly diet related, so I should take some solace I am doing something right.  It's also Christmas time and all of the good, and really fattening stuff that I love about Christmas food, is mostly on my do not touch list. Mostly.  Really, I am pretty proud of myself.  Maybe a little taste here and there and then it's back on the program.  The little taste here and there of the the really bad good stuff, like gooey cookies, seems to satisfy the craving. The discipline I have developed over this past year is holding.  So, again, I must be doing something right.

There is also this.

This is Terri Smith, whom the Daily Mail calls the fattest woman in the world. She weighs over 700 pounds.  She has constant headaches and needs an MRI in the hope to explain them and she can't fit in an MRI machine.  Her life is in danger, and I think doctors suspect a tumor.  She can't move at all and depends on her husband and daughter for even basic hygiene.  Just look at the pills she has to take.  That would be my nightmare come true.  Now she has to lose weight or risk death soon. 

So I don't really have it so bad, do I?  She is fortunate to have such a loving husband, Myron. He really sounds like a great guy. Her daughter is a sweetie, too.

My not so bad numbers for today:
  • Fasting Blood Glucose:  105 mg/dl.  Sweet
  • Weight:  188 lbs. Not as sweet.
  • Exercise:  45 minutes on the trainer.  It was nippy this morning.  It took me a about 20 minutes just to stop shivering. 
  • Mood:  8.5.  It's sunny and Christmas is 2 1/2 weeks away. Looking forward to it. 
  • Breakfast:  Grapefruit and herbal tea infused oatmeal and raisins. 
  • Lunch:  Chicken soup we made last night.  Better the day after.  Apple for desert.
  • Dinner.  It's Thursday, clean night, pizza night.  One slice only
  • Snacks:  Pretzels.

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