Monday, April 30, 2012

Monday Moain'

First, The Numbers:
  • Fasting Blood Glucose Level:  100 mg/dl
  • Weight:  188lbs.
  • Exercise:  45 minutes of very good weather to ride in. 
  • Mood:  7.5.  Decent for a Monday. 
The Menu:
  • Breakfast:  Tofu/Blackbean salsa on corn meal/whole wheat pancakes and morning fruit medley.
  • Lunch:  Leftover split pea  gruel over barley.
  • Dinner:  Fish Tacos, cabbage and avocados.
  • Snacks:  One slice of bread with a bit of butter and an orange.  Dr. McDougall would almost approve.

Don't Forget Your Vitamins.
Balancing carbohydrates and proteins can be a real juggle and it's easy to forget needed vitamins and sometimes supplements to keep your vitamin intake at a healthy level.  Vitamin D shows up again.  

An Autism, Diabetes Link?
Another good reason to avoid being overweight. Expectant mothers who are either overweight or have diabetic tendencies have a higher chance of having autistic offspring. The are also more likely to children with communication and attention problems, which is sort of autistic-like to me.  One possible cause is that the mother's elevated glucose affects the fetus's brain development. 

Control Your Blood Pressure. 
Diabetes is bad for your heart and vascular system.  Britain, like the US, is in a epidemic rise of new diabetic cases.  High blood pressure is becoming the norm in diabetes patients and this is one of the reasons [patients] are experiencing record rates of stroke and kidney failure and are dying years younger than the rest of the population."  Serious stuff.  You have been warned. 

Read about it here

Juvenile Diabetes here in the US
This is depressing.  I can't embed this, but it's a depressing story on the rise of kids getting type two diabetes because they eat too much and exercise too little.  Just like in adults and treating them is even harder.


  1. Wtg Dave.

    I need to get off my butt and exercise. Got any good advice for a lazy butt?


  2. Hi, Kelly.

    I wish I had a guaranteed motivator to offer.

    My inspiration was Jack LaLanne. He got up every morning at 4:00am regardless of what time he went to bed and how little sleep he had. He went through a three hour routine. It carried him happy and healthy well into his 90's. I want to hit my 50th wedding anniversary, and that will make me 95. I guess that is my ultimate motivator.

    Thanks for visiting!

    Dave LeBlanc
