Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Six Month Review

Six months ago, I started a new diet-for-life regimen.  I had to.  I was in bad shape and getting worse.  I have since lost about 40 lbs. and I get rave reviews about my appearance.  SWMBO is eager to take me shopping to get some new clothes.  Lots of my old ones are now just hanging on me.  I don't get tired of the notice or compliments, either.

I still have about 35 lbs to lose, so I am about half way to that goal. I still have a noticeable belly and that has to go.  I started this around 225 lbs. and had an expanding 38"+ waist line.  The last several pairs of dress pants I bought for work,  I bought them with a 40" waist had them taken in.  More comfortable that way. My waist is now a more pleasing 36".  I want it to be 32" again.  That is what I was in high school and I think I can do it.

Six months ago, what set this all off was my type 2 diabetes.  My blood glucose was first measured at 263 mg/dl after fasting and I am now averaging in the 120's mg/dl after fasting.  Good, but I want and need it to be lower.  Ideally, I want to routinely measure in the low 100's and even a the 90's would be great.  Insulin not being absorbed seems to be a function of fat inhibiting or preventing absorption on insulin by the cells that need it. Lose the fat, lose the problem.  I still have plenty of fat to lose and I need to reduce it further. 

Six months ago I was the type who when thinking about exercise would lie down and wait until the thought had passed.  Them made myself a snack and turned on the TV.  Now I force myself to get up early to get on my bike and peddle.  My inspiration for all of this is Jack LaLanne.  For decades he was up at 4:00 am to put himself through a nearly three hour daily work out.  He is now in his 90's and still doing it.   My favorite line of his is:  "Only a masochist likes to exercise."  He does it because he likes the results.  I think of that every time I get up at 5:00 am to ride my bike. 

He is also a near lifetime vegetarian.  I think of that, too, when I am tempted to go get a cheeseburger.  Yes, I have not given up meat and I do eat an occasional cheeseburger, but I eat a lot less of it.  I eat a lot of whole grains, beans and vegetables. I have learned to love to fill up on that stuff.  Eating that seems to work for me.  I even have some good tofu recipes. 

Six months ago I was not sleeping well and never knew it. I would get so sleepy in the afternoon.  I had sleep apnea and SWMBO always complained about my snoring. I just thought it was due to nothing more than getting older.  Now I know it was do to my type 2 diabetes. This was a symptom and I didn't know that.  All of that unabsorbed blood glucose was keeping me up like little kid who is bouncing off of walls from a candy bar.  Now I get good restful sleep.  I don't snore.  The sleep apnea is gone and no more complaints from SWMBO.

Six months ago, I started to seriously search out articles to learn about keeping my health up. I read articles about about how bad saturated fat is for heart health and how there is no link to saturated fat and heart healthWhat to do?  Find what works and stick with it.  I have also read this about using sex to treat diabetes.  I like it.

So, in six months what have I learned?  My diet has be better for the rest of my life.  My exercise habits have to be better for the rest of my life.  My health is something I have work at everyday for the rest of my life.  I have to find what works for me and stick with it.  I have also learned that I better have a lot of room on my credit card for all the new clothes I am going to have to buy.  But hey, why not?  I look good.

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