The Numbers:
- Fasting Blood Glucose Level: 99 mg/dl.
- Weight 188 lbs.
- Exercise: 45 minutes in Houtson's nice, hot sweaty morning air.
- Mood: 6.5 Bad things come in three's I've heard. Let's see, the Charming Mrs. SWMBO's car needed a new catalytic converter, the wireless router died and suddenly all of those neat internet devices we have don't work, and what was the third? Oh, yeah, I got laid off. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee. It's all good.
- Breakfast: The usual fruit medley and the last little bit of Baked Fruits and Oats. This is a tasty dish and the weekend guests really enjoyed it on Saturday morning. The Charming Mrs. SWMBO wants me to make more and I think that's a good idea. Thanks Ms. Perlsa.
- Lunch: Leftover hamburger from last week. It was basically an edible hockey puck at this point.
- Dinner: Fish tacos. It's becoming a bit of a Monday dinner habit.
- Snacks: A small cup of Greek yogurt. Okay, their economy sucks, but their yogurt is delicious.
Our brains shrink, seemingly along with everything else that's good, as we get to the elderly years. That's normal.
People with either pre-diabetes or type 2-level diabetes ,according to a study done on the elderly in Australia, had lost nearly 2 1/2 times the brain volume as the patients with a stable, safe level of blood glucose in a two year period. The shrinking happens in the frontal lobes, the part needed to make life good. This is the part that controls memory, emotions and decision making.
Forgetful confusion is no way to age gracefully. What is more than a bit scary is how fast it can happen.
The research does not explain why this happens, it just notes the statistical association.
Cynic that I am, somebody just made a nice career for themselves with this study if there is truly indeed a causal effect here. Or not. That's the beauty of it all.
Must be why I am drawn to this wonderful brew in the morning and I never forget to have it. Does it work for non-diabetics? Who knows?
The catch is that it works with diabetic mice. How it affects humans is still to be determined, but I plan to hedge my bets every morning.
Cynic that I am, more potential research money to be had there as well.
On a happier note for your memory, Science Daily reports that losing weight when obese can prevent or cure type 2 diabetes. As I have long said, lose the fat, lose the problem.
I am not giving up my coffee, however. Can't hurt and it always brightens my mood and I need all of the mood brightening I can muster right now.
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