Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Paula Deen Mania

First, lets get my stuff out of the way.

Today's numbers:
  • Fasting Blood Glucose Level: 101 mg/dl.  One silly mg/dl longer.  Sorry.  I've used that joke before. Checkout #5 if you are interested and the joke is probably not worth the wait. 
  • Weight:  191ish lbs.  Almost 190, but let's not get false hope.  It is or it isn't.
  • Exercise:  45 min bike ride.
  • Mood:  7.5  Business sucks.  
 Today's Menu:
  • Breakfast:  Tofu quiche with kale, onions and mushrooms with tomatilla sauce.
  • Lunch:  Leftover taco meat wrapped in a pita (an international meal!) and a gala apple from Michigan.
  • Dinner: Fish tacos. 
  • Snacks:  A few Sylvia's Chips.   
Paula Deen in the News. 

I saw this yesterday about Paula Deens Most Outrageous Recipes, 8 of them.  The one pictured here is the Lady's Brunch Burger.  I think I may forgo the Bo Burger for this on the things-to-eat-lots-of-if-I-have-a-terminal-illness list.  Bacon, fried egg over easy cooked butter, and nestled between what looks like a Krispy Kreme glazed doughnut. Actually, the article doesn't say what the doughnut is other than glazed, but it looks like a Krispy Kreme. 

There is also a Krispy Kreme bread pudding, a Twinkie pie and Deep Fried Mac and Cheese.  If she eats this stuff any more than just very occasionally I can see why she has diabetes issues.  I can also imagine other health issues.  She is known by many for foods that have something for everyone to criticize -- fat, cholesterol, dairy, meat, sugar, butter and simple carbohydrates galore, and never mind the serving size.  She often says everything in moderation.  So did Julie Child.  It seems to have worked for Julia.  Not so much for Paula.  

Don't get me wrong, I am not tsk tisking Paula for her diet choices.  That's her business and I think she is a very entertaining lady.  Watching her programs is a lot of fun and she seem to be having a ball cooking her take on Southern Cuisine.  Not everything she makes is a code red heart attack on a plate.  The Charming Mrs. SWMBO often makes her taco soup.  It can be made with lots of vegetables and low fat meat.  It's great for a quick dinner or lunch from the fridge. It's also filling and inexpensive and easy to make if you have the time.

Eating the Fried Butter or the Bacon and Cheese Meatloaf or the Peanut Butter Cheese Fudge every once in a while is going to harm no one. Eating Elvis's favorite sandwich, the Fried Peanut Butter Banana Sandwich could be a harmless celebration of the the King.  Just don't do it all of the time or you will wind up like the King, minus the royalty checks to leave to your heirs. 

Paula Deen has a condition that is very fixable. Eat better, eat less, exercise and lose weight.  In most cases, this will end the condition. She is being criticized for keeping her condition hidden for three years and for treating her diabetes mostly with a drug call Victoza and she has an endorsement deal with the drug's maker, Novo Nordisk.  If she's happy and making some money, more power to her.  That's all her business. Her job is to entertain people, not offer diet advice.

I have read two opposing views on how to fix her condition and this is what I really find interesting, how opposite they are. 

One is from Dr. John McDougall.  His advice is to go on a vegan, low fat, high carbohydrate diet.  He offers lots of evidence why this is the best diet to fix Paula Deen's diabetes and can cite lots of patients who have benefited from this approach.

The other is from Steve Cooksey who runs a website called Diabetes-Warrior.  He is a former type 2 Diabetic and he advocates the Paleo diet, which I have written about and mostly consists of grilled meats and vegetables and few carbohydrates.  He offers lots of evidence why this is the best diet to fix Paula Deen's diabetes and can cite lots of testimonials of people have benefited from this approach.

Both do agree that just taking a drug is a poor choice to handle the problem. 

Who's right?  Beats me.  My take is find a diet that you like, that works for you and that you can stick with. save for the occasional Lady's Brunch burger as a special treat to make life fun. 

Update.  To be fair, Steve Cooksey does offer a Paleo diet with a Vegan Twist.  Maybe these Mr. Cooksey and Dr McDougall can agree after all.

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